How Gender Equality and Equal Pay is manifested in Ethiostar

Ethiostar is an equal opportunity, and gender sensitive company. As a company policy, empowering women is a number one priority since the company believes women are naturally gifted in language related competencies. Despite our commitment and aspirations, though the number of shareholders and full time employees show almost balanced figures, unfortunately, the number of our female freelancers happened to be very low. By March 2024, it is our homework to increase this number by three folds. Shareholders By March 2023, the male (37%) and female (63%) distribution in terms of…

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Blog day 3

Teaching Our Daughters More Than Just Pretty We as a society often tell our daughters that they are pretty. We tell them that they should be proud of their beauty and that it is something to be celebrated. But what about the other aspects of our daughters that should be celebrated? We should be telling our daughters that they are strong and smart. We should be teaching them that they can do anything they set their minds to, and that they are capable of achieving great things. We should be…

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