Grow Your Business Globally: 9 Reasons Why Localization is Key to Your Success

You may be asking yourself, what is localization and why is it important for my business? Well, let us tell you - localization is the process of adapting your product or service to fit the needs and preferences of a specific local market. This involves translating content, customizing visuals, and adjusting your offering to meet the local demand.  Now, we know what you're thinking - why should I bother with localization? We've got 9 great reasons for you:  1. Reach a Wider Audience: By translating your content into different languages,…

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The Influence of French Law on the Ethiopian Legal System

Introduction The legal systems of different countries around the world have been shaped by a variety of influences. One such example is the influence of French law on the Ethiopian legal system. In this blog post, we will explore the impact of French law on the Ethiopian legal system and the contributions of Rene David, a French legal scholar, to the development of the Ethiopian legal system.  Overview of French Law French law is a civil law system, which is based on a comprehensive set of written laws that are…

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La célébration d’Errecha

"… Il y a environ huit mille ans Av J.C, les enfants Coush Seth et Ora se sont battus et le grand Seth a tué le plus jeune Oran." … leur sœur (Atete) pris le cadavre de son frère la nuit et l'enterra au bord du grand fleuve Nil et pria à son Dieu de faire régner la paix dans leur royaume, et ensuite elle planta un figuier. Le Dieu de Coush entendit sa prière, il fait pleuvoir la pluie, aussitôt l'arbre grandit et ainsi la paix régna.…Après quarante ans…

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