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Ethiopia’s Economic Potential: An Analysis of GDP Expansion

Ethiopia, a country with a rich past, varied cultures, and stunning scenery, has been progressively becoming one of Africa's economic superpowers. Economists and investors alike are interested in and examine the nation's economic trajectory because of its consistently higher GDP growth rate than the norm for the world. The Ethiopian economy experienced shifts from being market-oriented to being centrally planned and back again during a period of around a century. Agriculture constituted the main sector of the economy from the Monarchy until 1974. The economy was founded on a feudal…

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Read more about the article Top 12 Lessons learned From Book: “12 Rules For Life“
Top 12 Lessons learned From Book: “12 Rules For Life“

Top 12 Lessons learned From Book: “12 Rules For Life“

1) Stand up straight with your shoulders back The poor and stressed always die first, and in greater numbers. They are also much more susceptible to non-Infectious diseases. When the aristocracy catches a cold, as it is said, the working class dies of pneumonia. 2) Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping People are better at properly administering prescription medication to their pets than to themselves. Consider your future and think, ‘What might my life look like if I were caring for myself properly? 3) Make friends with…

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Read more about the article 5 Lessons I Learned From The Book ‘As a Man Thinketh’
The Book ‘As a Man Thinketh' reviiew by Ethiostar

5 Lessons I Learned From The Book ‘As a Man Thinketh’

1) You Become What You Think You are what you are right now because of the thoughts you once had or have. If you want to change yourself, you should first start with changing your thoughts. All the actions of man arise from the hidden seeds of thoughts. Just with the right choice and application of thought, man can ascend to divine perfection; while with wrong choice and application of thought, he can rise below the level of the beast. Good thoughts and results can never produce bad results; bad…

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Read more about the article Discover the Top 10 Life-Changing Lessons from “Atomic Habits” by James Clear
Atomic habits reviews

Discover the Top 10 Life-Changing Lessons from “Atomic Habits” by James Clear

Are you tired of feeling stuck in the same old routines? Do you want to create positive change in your life, but don't know where to start? Look no further than James Clear's "Atomic Habits." In this best-selling book, Clear shares his 4-step framework for building good habits and breaking bad ones. But that's just the beginning. From habit demystification to continuous improvement, this book is packed with life-changing lessons. So, if you're ready to transform your life, keep reading to discover the top 10 lessons from "Atomic Habits." 1.What…

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