How Gender Equality and Equal Pay is manifested in Ethiostar

Ethiostar is an equal opportunity, and gender sensitive company. As a company policy, empowering women is a number one priority since the company believes women are naturally gifted in language related competencies. Despite our commitment and aspirations, though the number of shareholders and full time employees show almost balanced figures, unfortunately, the number of our female freelancers happened to be very low. By March 2024, it is our homework to increase this number by three folds.


By March 2023, the male (37%) and female (63%) distribution in terms of the shareholders in Ethiostar can be depicted as follows:

Full Time Employees

By March 2023, the total number of full-time employees is 21 and in which 11 of them are women holding different important positions such as Operations Manager, Finance Manager, Digital Manager, HR Manager and Project Manager.

Payment Comparison between men and women in Ethiostar

By March 2023, although female colleagues are earning highest salaries according to the company scale regardless of their gender, from the total salary being paid to full-time employees, the share of men and women looks like the following: (male 51% and female employees 49%):

As discussed above, Ethiostar needs to work a lot to increase the number of female freelance employees by March 2024. The present data shows unpleasant results despite the commitment of Ethiostar for equal job opportunity.

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