10 Famous Men Who Stood Up For Gender Equality

Gender equality is an important issue that affects us all. Despite the progress that has been made in recent decades, there is still a long way to go before true gender equality is achieved. Fortunately, there are many famous men who have stood up for gender equality and have helped to raise awareness of the issue. Here are 10 famous men who have been vocal advocates for gender equality. 

1. Antonio Guterres: Antonio Guterres is the current Secretary-General of the United Nations. He has been a vocal advocate for gender equality, and has made it a priority of his tenure as Secretary-General. He has called for the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women and girls, and has launched initiatives to promote gender equality in the workplace. 

2. Benedict Cumberbatch: Benedict Cumberbatch is an actor who has been vocal about his support for gender equality. He has spoken out against gender-based pay gaps, and has spoken out against the objectification of women in the media. 

3. Barack Obama: Former President Barack Obama was a strong advocate for gender equality during his time in office. He signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which was designed to ensure that women receive equal pay for equal work. He also spoke out against gender-based violence, and launched initiatives to promote gender equality in the workplace. 

4. Justin Trudeau: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been a vocal advocate for gender equality. He has spoken out against gender-based violence, and has taken steps to ensure that women are represented in the Canadian government. He has also launched initiatives to promote gender equality in the workplace. 

5. Stephen Curry: NBA star Stephen Curry has been a vocal advocate for gender equality. He has spoken out against gender-based pay gaps, and has spoken out against the objectification of women in the media. 

6. Andrew Cuomo: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has been a vocal advocate for gender equality. He has spoken out against gender-based pay gaps, and has taken steps to ensure that women are represented in the New York government. He has also launched initiatives to promote gender equality in the workplace. 

7. Bill Gates: Microsoft founder Bill Gates has been a vocal advocate for gender equality. He has spoken out against gender-based pay gaps, and has taken steps to ensure that women are represented in the tech industry. He has also launched initiatives to promote gender equality in the workplace. 

8. George Clooney: Actor and activist George Clooney has been a vocal advocate for gender equality. He has spoken out against gender-based pay gaps, and has spoken out against the objectification of women in the media. 

9. Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has been a vocal advocate for gender equality. He has spoken out against gender-based pay gaps, and has taken steps to ensure that women are represented in the tech industry. He has also launched initiatives to promote gender equality in the workplace. 

10. Eddie Vedder: Musician Eddie Vedder has been a vocal advocate for gender equality. He has spoken out against gender-based pay gaps, and has spoken out against the objectification of women in the media. 

These 10 famous men have all made a difference in the fight for gender equality. They have all been vocal advocates for gender equality and have worked to ensure that policies and programs are gender-sensitive. They have also been vocal supporters of the HeForShe campaign, which is a global movement to end gender inequality. We should all be inspired by their commitment to gender equality and continue to fight for a more equitable world.


  1. https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/famous-men-gender-equality-2018/
  2. https://www.heforshe.org/en
  3. https://unwomenusa.org/advocacy-3

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